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Horse Sense for the Heart.

Equi-Sense prioritizes providing therapeutic horsemanship to underserved populations, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+, and foster children. We are currently focusing services to youth through Sonoma County Division of Family, Youth, and Children and TLC Child & Family Services. Equi-Sense is able to provide group workshops on a limited basis.

Want to support Equi-Sense? Donations can be made via Venmo (@equi-sense) to support our rescue horses, grooming supplies, and emergency preparedness.

Equi-Sense provides trauma-informed experiential learning with horses, and other animals, in relationship with the natural world. Research demonstrates that exposure to forests, and simply being in the presence of animals, can lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate, and boost immunity. Beyond these simple yet powerful benefits, Equi-Sense also provides the opportunity for individuals to:

  • Develop a deeper awareness of oneself and one's surroundings;

  • Enhance communication, confidence, and resilience;

  • Become an empathetic and empowered leader.

ACTIVITIES: Activities include learning to read the body language of horses through herd observation and grooming, developing a relationship to the natural world through empathizing with how horses experience the world, and practicing clear communication by leading horses.

MODEL: Equi-Sense’s model draws on ethology (animal behavior), para-linguistics (nonverbal body language), experiential education (learning by doing, reflecting, and integrating), and mind-body medicine (holistic trauma-informed healing).

Equi-Sense is therapeutic, not therapy.

Individual & Group Sessions

Equi-Sense focuses on personal development, individually and within groups. We focus on fostering clear and compassionate communication, confidence and resilience, and empowered leadership. Clients learn about how horses experience the world, and develop harmonious horse-human relationships.

Communication: Clear and compassionate communication begins by developing curiosity and self-awareness; increasing clarity through mindfulness strategies; and practicing congruent and compassionate communication.

Confidence & Resilience: Resilience grows with focus on developing self-awareness, self-direction, and self-confidence; discovering the courage within; and following your inner compass.

Empowered Leadership: Empowered Leadership comes from experiencing the power of your presence; enhancing empathy, awareness and responsiveness to your surroundings; and leading with curiosity, courage, and compassion.

Equi-Sense is not currently taking on regular individual clients, however, we are able to offer group experiences on a limited basis. All sessions are client-centered, adapted to fit the needs and goals of each individual or group.

Equi-Sense is a 501(c)(3) tax exemption non-profit. Our primarily volunteer team tends our rescue horses, Indigo and Moonshine, and provides therapeutic horsemanship services.




Erica Tom, Ph.D.


(707) 486 - 3490




Equi-Sense partners with horse farms across Sonoma County.


Are you a CASA, Social Worker, or Foster parent looking for support and learning experiences for youth? Equi-Sense is contracted with the County of Sonoma.

Interested in a group workshop?

Please contact Dr. Tom directly (707) 486-3490.


Erica Tom, Ph.D

Equi-Sense Founder & Executive Director


Dr. Erica Tom’s knowledge bridges academic and equine worlds.

Her academic research provides her with unique expertise in horse-human relationships, identity development, and communication. Their work with horses—including gentling mustangs and holistic horse care—provides her with a deep understanding of horses as sentient beings, and powerful teachers.

Melding their academic and equine knowledge, Dr. Tom guides clients in identifying their personal goals and learning from meaningful horse-human relationships.

Her experience includes working with the Cal Fire Behavioral Health and Wellness team, and collaborating with life coaches and artists to offer unique workshops — from leadership programs to yoga and dance with horses. She has also co-developed and delivered a horsemanship program for young women at a mustang rescue, and a trauma-informed equine experiential program for foster children.

Dr. Tom is a Professor of English/Ethnic Literature at Santa Rosa Junior College. She is the former Director of Native American Studies (2020-2022) and a lecturer in the American Multicultural Studies Department and the Hutchins School of Liberal Studies at Sonoma State University (2017-2022). Their research centers on the impact of horse-human relationships as part of identity development; her field work has included ethnography inside law enforcement and prison.

Currently, she researches and writes on what Australian Philosopher Glen Abretch calls the psychoterratic, earth emotions in the time of climate change—examining solastalgia and soliphilia. A student of cultural fire with Chairman Ron W. Goode of the North Fork Mono tribe, she studies and practices cultural burning as soliphilia. In her courses, Dr. Tom covers racial and environmental justice, trauma, healing, and artistic expression. She teaches students deep listening skills, and how to become more effective speakers through verbal and non-verbal communication.

Erica earned her Ph.D. in American Studies at Rutgers University-Newark in 2017, and her M.A. in English from Sonoma State University in 2012. She graduated with her B.A. in English Literature, with a minor in Classical Studies from the University of Washington in 2007. Erica’s scholarly and creative work has been published in peer-reviewed journals and edited collections.

A life-long learner, Erica is a certified Equine Experiential Education Practitioner (level I), and continues training across the fields of education and trauma studies. Erica has completed Advanced Training in Mind-Body Medicine, and is grateful to the Sonoma Resilience Collaborative for generously funpding training with the Center for Mind-Body Medicine for practitioners here in Sonoma County.


The Equi-Sense Team

Lisa Coleman — Equi-Sense Volunteer

Bio & Pic coming soon!

Dyllan Hersey (They/He)— Equi-Sense Volunteer Intern

Dyllan joined Equi-Sense to be of service — to be a part of something generative that nurtures healing through relationships with our more than human kin. Dyllan is a queer, trans, artist and muscian who often feels more comfortable around non-human animals.

I’m drawn to horses most specifically because of the combination of their high sensitivity and their immense power and strength and how their sensitivity informs and is inseparable from their strength. I am drawn to the immeasurable ways horses teach us about our selves, our own needs and how to interact with other humans and their needs in a consent based way at all times.

Dyllan's personal experiences of loss, and of being in a traumatized queer body, move them to seeking trauma-informed ways of being, and to embody empathy with horses and humans. They are currently a volunteer intern with Equi-Sense, earning credits at Santa Rosa Junior College. Dyllan is focused on supporting our therapeutic horsemanship program, tending to our rescue horses, and learning more about Equine Experiential Education.

Juliet Malconian (She/Her) — Equi-Sense Facilitator

Juliet joined Equi-Sense to take part in building community that provides sanctuary and support to those experiencing systemic oppression, and familial and/or personal hardships. She is motivated by the desire to hold space for experiences of healing and joy.

Equi-Sense accepts everyone to come and be who they are in the presence of animals and community. I think that spending my time in this environment specifically has allowed me to live in my queerness in a way that I had never experienced. Showing up somewhere and knowing that you are accepted as you are, is extremely powerful, and I feel like this work provides that for a lot of people. It is important to me personally that Equi-Sense also makes sure to support local and queer-run businesses - which only holds to our mantra of tight community.”  

Juliet’s background with horses was in the Hunter/Jumper Equestrian world, spending time as a working students at several barns. In this competitive world she was taught to interact with horses in fairly dominating ways that never felt right to her. She is grateful for the challenge and blessing to rethink and change the ways she now works with, and builds relationships with horses.

Juliet graduated cum laude from Sonoma State University in 2023 with a double major Bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies and Sociology, with a concentration in Early Childhood Development. In her final semester at Sonoma State, Juliet completed an internship with Dr. Tom, studying Equi-Sense’s model. In October 2023, she completed her Level 1 Certification in Equine Experiential Education. She offers individual therapeutic horsemanship sessions for youth, and co-facilitates our programs for foster children with Dr. Tom and the volunteer team. Juliet is interested in further education, considering paralinguistics, interspecies relationships, and neurophysiological phenomena.

Camille Paladino-Ponce — Equi-Sense Volunteer

Bio coming soon!

Dan Vandersommers (He/Him) — Equi-Sense Volunteer

Bio coming soon!



My daughter, friend, and I spent a few hours with Erica Tom, and we were so impressed with Erica and the magic of the horses.  Erica is so impressive--she is just as comfortable and graceful with us as she is with the horses.  She shared the depth and breadth of her understanding of the horses--their quirks, personalities, interesting histories, and helped us pay attention to them and to ourselves, in order to understand both better.  For example, we got to see how our body movements, big and small, even our breath, affected the horses.  Erica's sensitivity, humor, warmth, and years of experience with horses all helped create a fun and moving experience for us all.  Thank you, Erica!

- Rachel Katz, MFT, PhD


I have been fortunate enough to work with Erica and the horses on several occasions, and the work she does transcends any kind of therapeutic experience I've ever had.  Erica has a beautiful way of allowing me to connect with the horses on a deep and genuine level that is both healing and empowering. I have always had a profound love for horses, and Erica has an incredible ability to create a safe space to bond with the horses while growing as an individual.  There is nothing more special than being loved and accepted for the person you are, and the horses provide that every single time I work with them, Erica's sincere passion for helping others shines as she guides you through a unique and dynamic experience that is life changing. Erica has a true gift, and I am forever grateful for her guidance and expertise. 

- Elizabeth Marincovich, YWCA Safe House Lead


The education that I gained from the Communication Workshop with Erica has really been very helpful and informative in my work and personal life. Learning specific information about how the horses interact with each other, watching their body language, noting who the leaders and followers are, and observing general herd behavior with the narrative insights that Erica offered really provided an interesting parallel to how many teams and workplaces function as well. Being aware of your own attitude and the energy you bring by working with the horses allowed me a unique opportunity to honestly access how my presence will affect the teams, friends, and family that I interact with on a daily basis. Such a fun and beautiful way to spend an afternoon. Erica Tom brings years of experience, insights, leadership, and passion which culminated into providing a really valuable experience for all who were able to attend.

- Mary Lucas, Tasting Room Supervisor, St. Francis Winery

I would like to thank Erica Tom and the wrangler team for the wonderful opportunity to be able to spend a whole afternoon learning about Equine Experiential Education and most of all, learning more about myself and my team. Even though I was nervous, with Erica and the wrangler team’s guidance I was able to overcome my nervousness and put into practice what was shared with me about horses and human interactions/dynamics.

That day I learned so much about myself and our team and how observing horses and their individual/group dynamics can help me. One thing that I took away was how we as humans tend to focus on the narrow path and with horses, since they are prey animals, they are always aware of their surroundings. This helped me to make sure that I remember to look at the big picture and surroundings when making a decision that may affect my team, students, and the communities I am a part of.

Another takeaway for me was to remember to breathe and how horses as well as human beings are able to sense the energy I give off. This helps me to keep in mind that it’s ok to take a pause and take a deep breath or two before moving forward with what I’m working on and within a team.

The biggest takeaway for me was that working within a team is so important and trusting in your team members is key as experienced in our last team activity. I am honored to have been a part of the E3 experience and will forever take what I learned that day with me and apply it in my professional and personal life.

- Khou Yang-Vigil, Counselor, Sonoma State University